Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am unsure if my pet needs to be seen?
You can always call us at the hospital if you have any questions. (360) 697-7771

How do I register if I do not have a cell phone or access to a computer?
Please call us at (360) 697-7771 and one of our receptionists will help you with the registration process. 

What do I do if my pet’s condition worsens while I am waiting to be seen?
If your pet’s condition changes or worsens, please contact us at (360) 697-7771 for more information.

What if I decide I no longer want/need to have my pet seen?
Text “9” to cancel your registration at any time or feel free to call the hospital and let our receptionists know so we can take your pet out of the waiting queue.

Do you take patients in the order they are checked in? Are you able to give an estimated wait time for my pet to be seen?
All patients are seen in order of their medical needs. We determine medical needs based on 3 priority levels:

Priority 1: Critical

Examples: poisoning, collapse, bloat (GDV), actively seizures, allergic reactions, traffic accident, difficulty breathing, urinary tract blockage, and heat stroke.

Priority 2: Stable

Examples: closed fractures, diarrhea, actively vomiting, bowel obstruction, and urinary tract infections.

Priority 3: Non-Urgent

Examples: skin conditions, lameness, abscess, minor wounds, sore eyes/ears, and chronic diseases.

Do you take into consideration my travel time when you invite me to the hospital?
Yes! This is the reason we ask about your travel time and distance from the hospital during registration. Please understand, any new critical arrivals will be seen immediately.

What is an emergency?
Click here to learn more

We know how difficult it is to wait when your pet is ill or injured. Please understand we must see patients based on their medical priority.